Fitness in my life

I really like eating many kinds of food. I came to Australia because I like Australian food. Since I arrived in Cairns, I have eaten a lot and my weight is increasing. That’s why, last Saturday I went to a fitness club to take care of my healthy body.

There are more machines than in a Japanese fitness club. It was exciting!!!!  I met a man who was a guest. He taught me how to use the machines and we spoke in English. He said “Studying and moving are better than just studying”. We did a hard workout for 3 hours and I hope my English skills improved a bit too. I learned a lot of words relating to muscles. It was a very funny time.

Maki, Pre-Intermediate Class


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About CCEB

We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

2 thoughts on “Fitness in my life

  1. This article is so interesting to me.
    I also like moving and watching a lot of sports games. I practiced Karate for about five years with my children twenty years ago. It was so hard because we run up snowy hill and always had to crouch down. But now I can’t.
    I practice Yoga every Saturday with an Indian instructor. Yoga helps me mentally and physically.
    So~ nice!

  2. So you became fat after coming to Australia and now you are trying to lose that weight.? The biggest irony of today is that we just eat too much and then we try to lose eat. Why do we do that?! Something we can’t answer.
    best of luck with losing weight from someone in Asia.

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