Laetitia’s life story

One of our students, Laetitia from Switzerland, tells you her life story using a lot of phrasal verbs. Have a look at her PowerPoint presentation and read the description that follows below (phrasal verbs in bold print):

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Slide 1:

I would like to tell you my story. My story takes place a week before I left my country and it continues until now.

Slide 2:

Before I chose to travel, I worked. My work was to take care of the children. (to look after)

Slide 3:

My contract finished in December so I decided to travel by myself.

Slide 4:

One week before I left I had a disagreement with my friends. It wasn’t really important (=it was fighting over something trivial). (to fall out with sb)

Slide 5:

The same day this disagreement was sorted. (to make up)

Slide 6:

Now I miss my friends because we are really close. (to get on well with sb)

Slide 7:

On Thursday I left my home to go to the airport. At the airport I had to present myself and I had to give my backpack. (to check in)

Slide 8:

After I went to pass the security, I said goodbye to my mother. (to see sb off)

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At 8:30pm my flight left the airport and off I went to Australia! (to take off)

Slide 10:

On Saturday I arrived in Cairns and I was ready to learn English. (to pick up a language)

Slide 11:

I am ready to continue my story! (to carry on with the story)

Laetitia, Intermediate A

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