Even Usain Bolt can’t catch up with my turtle

Do you know Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world? Of course almost all turtles can’t win against Bolt in a footrace. However, if Bolt gives my turtle an advantage, it will be able to win. Don’t you trust me? I’ll tell you why.

If we compete in the hundred-meter dash, please give my turtle an advantage; Bolt has to start 50 metres behind my turtle. The competition has just started. 5 seconds later, Bolt has reached the point where my turtle had been but my turtle had gone. And a few seconds later, Bolt again reached the point where my turtle had been. Again, my turtle had already gone. Bolt chased my turtle but when he reached the point where my turtle had been, my turtle is still ahead of Bolt. He wouldn’t be able to catch up my turtle.

Yuya Yamaguchi, Upper Intermediate B

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2 thoughts on “Even Usain Bolt can’t catch up with my turtle

    1. Thank you Krystyna for commenting. I’m happy that my blog posts are read but I’m also sad because I only have 2 more blogging classes left… After graduation, I will try to continue to comment from Japan👍 When can I get a weekly coffee ticket?

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