About CCEB

We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

5 thoughts on “Baristas in the making!

  1. Nice! Sometime I see my friends at CCEB work at Lake 67. It is important for us to get certificates. Anyway I heard we can learn to become a staff at the Casino in CCEB. I’m interested in that course.

    1. You’re quite right Yuya. It is essential to have the right qualifications if you’re looking for a job at a casino in Australia. You can obtain an RSG (Responsible Gambling Services) certificate on completion of our Customer Service Course.

  2. The customer service was a fantastic experience; the training was very interesting. But the correct name of my country is Ecuador not Equador 🙂 🙂 This mistake is very common.

  3. I was very excited making coffee!! It’s good skills. I want to try working in a cafe. And I will try to be a barista! I like drinking coffee and making coffee!! Thank you Justyna!

  4. Now that I am a Customer Service Course student, I am reading this post from a different perspective. I can’t wait to learn about making coffee. It’s good to see some pictures and watch a video before going to my first coffee training!

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