How Lucky Am I to Be Alive

Do you know? The probability of you being born is about one in 400 trillion.

The percentages of boys and girls born are 51% and 49% respectively.

The odds of…

  • Being an astronaut 1/13,200,000
  • Finding a four-leaf clover 1/10,000
  • Having a car crash in your life 1/3
  • Divorcing a husband or wife 3/10
  • Being struck by lightning 1/576,000
  • Getting the flu this year 1/10
  • Having met the person who is next to me 1/500,000,000,000

There are 196 countries in the world today and 15  countries where you can safely drink tap water.

Sometimes I forget how happy I am.

Actually, my parents didn’t want to let me study abroad but they always support and cheer me up. I’m happy to study English because I’m blessed with a good environment and have exposure to English every day.

Also I’m happy that I found a job and can earn money. I have a share house to live in and my share mates are all very kind. I’ve been living in Cairns safely, there is no war.

I’m having the time of my life right now, it’s my turn.

Everything happens for a reason.

Live without regret, be happy and enjoy life.

Marina Sakoda, Upper-Intermediate A

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About CCEB

We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

2 thoughts on “How Lucky Am I to Be Alive

  1. Hi Marina, what a great post! You really uplifted me and helped me to focus on the positive and amazing things in my life. Good on you for coming to Australia and having such a wonderful experience. By the way, our media is putting lots of focus on terrorist attacks…what are the chances of being involved in one? Very low, I expect! You keep enjoying your life and focusing on what’s important and good. By the way, thank you for sharing your BMI presentation with me. Krystyna 🙂

  2. Hi Marina!! I’m always looking forward to your posts and I also enjoy reading them. Sometimes I forget how happy I am, because I think it’s normal to live safely, be able to get something I want, especially in Japan. I didn’t realize how happy I am until leaving my country. Your article reminds me that I should be thankful for everything that surrounds me and enjoy my life. Thank you.

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