Koyasan in Wakayama prefecture

I was born in Wakayama and grew up there. So, I’ve been to Koyasan many times, and my university friend and I have helped various Koyasan events as part of my university course.

Koyasan (Mount Koya) is the name of the mountain in Wakayama Prefecture and the centre of Shingon Buddhism, which is an important sect of Buddhism. And Koyasan is not a tourist spot but a place to practise Buddhism.

Koyasan was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, and following that it’s been gaining popularity all over  the world. We learn about it at Japanese schools, so most Japanese people know about it and visit the place. When I visited Koyasan, there were many foreign people there, especially  French.

Koyasan is located on the top of the mountain, so it’s a little bit hard to get there, and you should take trains or buses.

If you visit Koyasan, you can eat shojin-ryori, which is a kind of cuisine eaten mainly by Buddhist followers, and prohibited to include meat, fish, onion, leek, garlic and other root vegetables. Beans and fruits are used instead. It looks very beautiful and it’s very healthy.

On your visit, you should bring a jacket because the temperature is changeable and it’s quite cold in evening. But you will definitely enjoy this special atomosphere!

Mirei, Upper-Intermediate

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