My trip to Cape Tribulation

Opportunities can appear unexpectedly and sometimes you just need to take advantage of what it has being presented to you and embrace it. This is how I felt when I joined a tour to Cape Tribulation two weeks ago and I certainly adored every minute I spent there. As a part of the trip I could contemplate unspoiled landscapes in which the Rainforest meets the sea. It was astonishing!

Let me state something about the trip: to go to Cape Tribulation you will be driven for two and a half hours, but no worries mate! The driver will already have many stops planned along the road so you won’t feel the time. Therefore you will have time to walk around in places like Palm Cove, Port Douglas and Mossman Gorge.

In Mossman we walked through the Daintree Rainforest, where we heard the stories of the aboriginal people and how wise they are living in harmony with the forest. Not only can you enjoy walking trails but also, if you are lucky, you might spot turtles and cassowaries. If you are thinking “Ok, this is not for me. I’m the unluckiest person in this world, every time that I go on a tour somehow all the animals hide from me,” I have to say that you shouldn’t give up on the tour so easily, because you can enjoy the flora, which is really interesting, and refresh yourselves swimming, so don’t forget your swimwear.

What was the most engaging part for me was seeing crocodiles, even from a safe distance. They were amazing! We learnt that you should never underrate their speed and you should always follow the advice of staying at least three or four meters distance from the water edge.

There are so many things to see, that on your way back you can feel tired or even sleepy, but you should not surrender because the road back along to the coastline creates a fabulous view. Finally, I have a puzzle to solve, here it is: if anyone of you knows why people pile up rocks on the verge of the road, please explain it to me!

We are looking forward to seeing you in paradise – Cairns! Book your trips with the lovely staff of Lake 67!

Berta, Advanced Class

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About CCEB

We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

4 thoughts on “My trip to Cape Tribulation

  1. Such a beautiful trip!!!
    And good inversion sentences hahaha
    I have one story about why people pile up stones. It’s about the world after death. After people die, they are sent to a river. If they succeed in piling up stones high up, they can revive. But there are demons and demons disturb them so it’s so difficult… Anyway, it’s just a Japanese story so there are many different stories in each country.

  2. Hi Berta
    Lovely post, as always! Yes, Cape Tribulation and all the places on the way, are beautiful. The piles of stones/rocks are called ‘cairns’ – amazing! Maybe this city of Cairns is really a pile of rocks! Well, everywhere is built on rocks, but I digress! I don’t know of any meaning, it’s just something people do and I’ve seen it in many places in Australia….just some ‘thing’ to do?!? Someone put one rock on top of another and because we so often just copy others, another person thought “I will do the same” and so it repeats. We are funny creatures!
    So, I have left but I can still see what you are up to! Enjoy life! I am! Krystyna 🙂

  3. I love you Krystyna!! As human beings we are funny people, your explanation makes sense.
    I’m so grateful to you for your support to all my posts, I hope that you are somewhere having lots of fun!

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