Vocabulary exercises after lunch

If you’re a General English student at our college, you know that the last session of the day is always more relaxed and involves all kinds of speaking activities.

One of our lower level classes, the pre-intermediate class, practised their word creation and spelling after lunch on Friday. Two teams called Koalas and Pandas had to throw a velcro ball at the board that had many squares containing the first two or three letters of a possible word. The teams threw their ball many times within a timeframe and had to come up with a word starting with the letters that had stuck to the ball. The students of both teams took turns throwing the balls and writing words on their white board. It was a team effort and only words which were spelt correctly were awarded points! As the class has been focusing on adverbs a lot this week, this part of speech was highly valued (4 points) with verbs being of the lowest value (only 1 point for each correct verb). As you can see in the videos, the pre-intermediate class had a fun time working on their vocabulary and spelling! This was great teamwork, good on you all, pre-int class! 🙂

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We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

8 thoughts on “Vocabulary exercises after lunch

  1. My classmates were lovely. We did learn a lot of vocabulary and played games last Friday.
    My team did’t play well, but we did our best.
    The game wasn’t boring , it was funny.
    When we were playing the game, we were listening to music.
    The song was Power of love by Celine Dion – what a beautiful song.
    Power of love.
    I love English and I won’t give it up!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Nice article and great tips. I was finding it difficult to converse in English the first time i visited the US from France.

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