Memorial park

I joined a free guided tour of memorial park last Saturday. I had many types of graves described by the guide. For example, cross, book, pillow, etc.

I was interested in this place, because it was different from Japan. I heard that graves in Australia are a grave per person. The guide was surprised when I told her about graves in Japan are a grave per family and most graves have a similar type.


Maki, Pre-Intermediate B

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3 thoughts on “Memorial park

  1. This blog post was interesting for me. I didn’t know that there are many types of graves in Australia.
    Graves are different in each country. Most Japanese graves are the same type because in most families the religion is Buddhism. And we often visit the graveyard, the equinoctial week, the O-bon festival, at the end of year and so on. Does Australia have such customs? If you know about that, please tell me. Thank you for your interesting article.

  2. Hi,Maki. This blog article is very interesting. I didn’t know about Australian graves.
    I found out a lot of information. That’s amazing.

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