
It is said that the crepe is the most famous and traditional dish from a part of France known as Brittany. The recipe is very simple: all you need is milk, eggs, flour and butter. It’s like a kind of pancake that you can eat with sweet or salty ingredients such as jam, nutella or ham and cheese for example.

I have known this dish since I was a child; my mom used to make some crepes at least once a week, which is how I learnt how to make it. What I like about this dish is the fact that you can eat it whenever you want, for breakfast, as a snack or even for dinner. It is usually a meal that I eat with my family – I am of the belief that it is important to share a moment with your close family around a meal so you can talk about your day or your plans. You can also make other dishes with crepes, I remember one time my parents prepared a cake made of crepe with nutella!

Since I have been in Australia I haven’t had the chance to cook crepes but when I’m back to my country I will make some, I am looking forward to it. What about you? Do you have a favourite or a traditional dish from your country? Tell us in the comments below.

Jeanne, Advanced IELTS Class

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3 thoughts on “Crepes

  1. I’d like present a Japanese traditional sweet, Ohagi. Japanese people offer Ohagi, bean cake, to the Buddha. Generally, Ohagi is a sweet made with a sticky rice ball covered in red bean paste. We visit our family graves and hold a memorial service by offering flowers, incense and Ohagi. Ohagi is healthy compared to confectionery because it doesn’t use butter. Before we made Ohagi at home on a special day like a memorial service. Recently we can buy it anytime at the supermarket and a Japanese sweet shop. Please try it if you get a chance!

  2. This French-Canadian Crepe recipe is great, she did it in Australia finally and I can guarantee that they are really delicious !!!

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