Fei’s trip to China

As part of their weekly speaking assessment, Sissa’s Intermediate Class prepared presentations about traveling. Here’s Fei’s presentation about his visit to China.

I went to China with my family, 12 years ago. I visited Beijing, the Great Wall of China and the village where I was born. China is a big country so travelling by train or by coach takes a very long time.

The Great Wall of China is a very impressive monument because it was built a long time ago and the steps were very high made by big stones.

Ten years ago, China was more polluted. The smog was very significant. For example at night, it was difficult to see twenty meters ahead of you.

Fei, Intermediate Class

[embeddoc url=”https://cceb.edublogs.org/files/2016/12/Travel-to-China.-Fei-12jqeu8.pptx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]

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One thought on “Fei’s trip to China

  1. Hi Fei!
    I haven’t talked with you about it but I actually love to read novels about China.
    China has a long history and a unique culture, which have been interesting for me
    for a long time. Someday I want to go there.
    I know there’re many problems including smog. It’s too sad but I think it is a great opportunity to discuss the problem with international students.
    Thanks CCEB!

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