How many times can you fold a piece of paper?

If I give you an A4 size paper, how many times can you fold this paper, 10 times or 20 times? If you can fold it 20 times, I will give you a million dollars. Look at this photo.

It is folded just 5 times but it will not be able to be folded any more. The thickness of a piece of paper is usually 0.1mm. Do you know the thickness of the paper will be approximately 105 metres when you fold the paper 20 times? Maybe we can say height rather than thickness. In theory, if we folded the piece of paper 26 times, the thickness/height of the paper would be equivalent to the circumference of the planet earth. If we folded the paper 43 times, it could reach the moon!

Yuya Yamaguchi, Intermediate B

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One thought on “How many times can you fold a piece of paper?

  1. Hi Yuya
    As soon as I saw this post I thought, “this must be from Yuya!” and yes, it is! It’s actually an interesting concept because I used to think I could keep folding and folding, but then realised it can’t be done a lot of times. Well done!

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