Try Pecha Kucha!

Here at CCEB students have a speaking assessment every Friday. There are many ways in which us teachers can assess our students’ speaking skills, one of them being Pecha Kucha (from Japanese ペチャクチャ meaning chitchat or the sound of conversation).

This type of presentation includes 20 slides (with as little written on them as possible) which change after 20 seconds. As you can imagine, such a PowerPoint presentation is fast-paced and concise with each one lasting only 6 minutes and 40 seconds in total. It is highly recommended to students who need to focus on their fluency.

Do you think it’s easy to continuously chat for 20 seconds? Here are some students of Intermediate A attempting Pecha Kucha for the first time 🙂 Well done guys!



Fumi and Maho

Kosuke and Marketa

Barbara and Mizuki

Awesome work Intermediate A students!

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We are teachers and students at the Cairns College of English and Business (CCEB). How lucky are we to work and study in the Australian Wet Tropics with the world's oldest rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef at our doorstep! We would like to share our happy posts with the world! Welcome to the CCEB space eveyone.

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