Can you notice there is a trickster?

One day, a king in my country died and he left a will. It said “My three dear sons, I will give you my 35 pretty camels. The first-born son can get half of all of my camels, the second- born son can get one third of all of my camels; and the last-born son can get one ninth of all of my camels. Please don’t fight each other.” So they intended to divide the camels amongst themselves but they couldn’t.

The first-born son calculated the number of camels, the amount was 17.5. It wasn’t possible to divide them. While they were thinking, a man told them that he could solve their problem. He said “Firstly, I will lend you my one lovely camel. The amount of camels becomes 36. The number will be easy for us to divide’. Thanks to him, the first-born son got 18 camels, the second-born son got 12 camels and the last-born son got 4 camels. However the sum of their camels was 34. So the man brought back two camels because two camels were left.

Thank you for reading. Did you enjoy my blogging?

Yuya Yamaguchi,  Upper Intermediate

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