Water is in danger!

I would like to appeal to humans to behave and think more about our environment. I hope that everybody is familiar with this title: environmental education. Somebody could have heard or is hearing about this in elementary or high school. Environmental education isn’t the only subject in a school but it can be a new philosophy in our lives. This field is very rich in some topics e.g. recycling, caring about nature, legislation and law, fair trade and sustainable development… One very important subject is WATER. POLLUTION OF WATER, HUMANS USE OF WATER and WATER RESERVOIRS around the world are covered by this article.

Water pollution

In the beginning I would like ask you: What do you do for our future on this planet? For the next generation? When take you a shower, do you turn you off the water while you wash? When there is baking sun, do you wash your car or irrigate your beautiful and green grass? Which kinds of washing powder do you use? These are my favourite questions for my students and I’m very often so surprised. Most answers aren’t so kind to our nature. From discussion, it had resulted that people hadn’t time for thinking about changing their behaviour or they argued that they hadn’t enough money to buy eco-friendly items for households. In my opinion, for people, the consumer way of life is easier.

A dam

Now, it is time for some facts regarding the deteriorating situation with water around the world:

– The human population is increasing very quickly every year, in the year 2000 there were 6 089 810 661 people around the world, in the year 2017 the number of humans is 7 403 533 981. [http://gnosis9.net/populace.php] 783 000 people haven’t access to drinking water and consumption of water is increasing too. [http://www.ovodarenstvi.cz/]
– Water pollution is one of the most massive global problem. Every day, 14 000 people die because they haven’t access to drinking water. Causes of this problem are e.g. agriculture, transport, mining, industrial production and storage services and natural phenomena. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pollution]

River pollution

– Due to global warming and inappropriate water management, the water reserves of the planet are reduced. Owing to this, it is impossible for the expanding human population to survive in the distant future. In fact, NASA has conducted extensive research and results show that world water reservoirs are irretrievably damaged. [https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4626]

Global warming

Somebody would probably be in depression because of this situation, even though I still believe that we can change the world together. Finally, everything in the human mind is modelled and created during childhood. A child grows up in a family, goes to school and is very sensitive to any stimulus. Unless parents and community aren’t kind to nature, the child hasn’t the opportunity to change their behaviour. So this is the most important mission of this article: everybody can do one small step, which will be bigger in future, because everybody should by a perfect model of kind behaviour to nature.

Alena, Upper-Intermediate

Underwater reservoir
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