I’m a Kendo girl

My name is Yako and I’m from Japan.

I have 3 dan in Kendo. Do you know kendo? I’ve been doing Kendo for 12 years. Kendo is a traditional sports in Japan. We use a bamboo sword and we wear a faceguard, a chest protector and padded mittens. Kendo looks like fencing, but the protectors are very heavy.  In addition, kendokas  have a Samurai soul , so courtesy is a very important thing for us.

Kendo begins and ends with bowing. Therefore I learned a lot of things such as we have to respect our elders and try to get better.  We have a grateful heart for teachers, parents, and opponents.

Kendo is more world famous than before. However, it is not an Olympic games discipline yet. I think kendo is a very interesting sport because we can do that at any age. Actually my Kendo teacher was 90 years old. So I want to teach Kendo for a lot of people in Australia, and I hope that kendo will become an Olympic game.

Yako, Intermediate Class


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One thought on “I’m a Kendo girl

  1. Hi, Yako. I read your article with pleasure. I wanted to try kendo again after reading it.
    Actually, my father used to learn kendo when I was young so I had a chance to experience it.
    You said that you had a grateful heart for teachers, parents, and opponents, and I agree with you.
    We can learn not only physical but also mental strength.

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