Call your friend instead of texting

When was the last time you called your friends or family? Three days ago, one week ago? One month ago? Nowadays, a lot of people send messages to friends via apps, like WhatsApp, Facebook or Line. It’s a popular and convenient way to connect with other people. If you join a new event and make new friends, probably you will ask them “Do you have a Facebook or Line account? “In Taiwan and Japan, a lot of people use Line whereas Europe and South America people use Whats App.In Australia, Facebook messenger is more popular than other apps.

I receive many messages on Line App every day but I don’t check all of them. Sometimes it’s quite noisy because of advertisements. If your friends send messages to you, you might answer them as soon as possible. If you don’t answer them quickly, your friends might get angry at you.

Everybody knows, even though you don’t know how to speak a foreign language, you can use body language to communicate with each other. Speaking involves voice, volume, intonation and face expressions.

Even different people speak the same word but have different feelings. For example, “I want to go to the beach.“ If you speak loudly, and have a high pitch, it lets people feel you really want to go to the beach and vice versa.

Using the apps is convenient but it poses some problems. Messaging isn’t the same as using the phone or face-to-face conversation. We hardly feel emotions using only words .There are a lot of misunderstandings. If you like a girl or a boy, don’t use the app to declare your love to him or her. There is a big chance that it might be get refused so make a phone call now.

Darren, Intermediate Class

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4 thoughts on “Call your friend instead of texting

  1. Though calling is not a direct way to deliver your felling, I think it is the best way among not direct ways.We have to call our family or friends because we live far from our countries.

  2. Hello Darren,

    That is a really good piece of advice. In my case I rather call my friends instead of sending text messages. It is easier and faster for me because I’m a little bit lazy when I have to type a long reply to someone. I really love to call them via facetime or skype where I can see their faces and reactions. I usually spend one or two hours talking with them.

  3. I hardly call my mom. It’s sad but it is because of convenience of using apps. I’m going to call her tonight! And Darren! Just block all the advertisement on your Line, otherwise you will get tired of getting any other messages. By the way, have we decided to visit the Grand hotel? Well, let’s discuss on Instagram ;-D

  4. Hi Darren,

    Well done. I totally agree with you about the idea of contacting friends and family members by calling them instead of texting. I did enjoy the moments when I facetime with my family. We shared the same experiences, which seemed like I was not far away from home.

    However, sometimes it depends on situations, expecially when you talk with supervisors or bosses.I bet that you would not call or facetime your boss for some tiny issues. You may write it down properly before sending it.

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